Rest in Peace
Ms. Tigger and I on the happiest day...
Meet The Deans...
It's been a very long time coming, but I've finally found that "happy place" that everyone talks about. It's at home with my new husband, Brian. I just wanted to share a few photos of our big day. We were married in The Chapel In The Woods at Graceland in Memphis on September 25th 2007.

in front of Graceland

outside the chapel

in the Jungle Room lounge on Lonely St. at Heartbreak Hotel

He is my life. He has made me happier then I ever imagined I could be. This is what love is. I thought I had it a few times in the past, but NO. There is no way that I could have ever been in love. Not like this. This is real! I know that I will love him beyond eternity and he will love me equally. That's how it should be...easy! Love is easy. It should never be hard. It should never be dramatic (unless in bed;)). It should always just fit like a pair of warm kittens.
I wish this happiness to all of you as well as myself and my new family.
I'm Forever Wrapped
lots has been going on since i wrote last, but mostly all good. my boyfriend and i are now engaged and getting married in
las vegas by
elvis next month. we just moved into our 1st house and it is lovely. life seems to finally be coming together for me. oh and of course the very day we moved in...we just HAD to save a kitten. so now we have a cat. miss
famota dean. she's just a few months old and man oh man, does she ever remind me of miss
tigger! i already love her so much and "yes" she is already very spoiled.

below is a pick of my fiance and myself our 1st day home after finally getting moved in. the yard is slowly, but soon will be covered w/plants and flowers, trees, etc! it's just so ugly now, but all my birds love it???
i'm getting better from being ill. i have found my true love. life is good. sometimes, it just takes a
lil time and patience.
On the road...yep! We're leaving in the morning to go to New Orleans for a few days to enjoy Jazzfest and have a lil vacation. It shall be a lovely time w/my sweet one and I'm looking foward to our time together there. It's been a while since I've been there and I've never been to Jazzfest. So...
All I know is I have the best guide and Cafe du Monde is already calling me. Oh, and I must get one of those nasty "Lucky dogs" too. I lOve them oh so very much. I never eat hot dogs, but when in New Orleans, I go crazy for a lucky dog like it's cavier??? I'll take lots of pics for sure.
Nothing At All...
That's what will be "wrapped around my finger" and you know what? That is exactly the way I want it! As I read back on that post and a few others, I can't help, but to think that they sound like the ramblings of an insane woman on lots of drugs. Which let's face it, people, that's EXACTLY what they were!!!! I'm not here to prove a damn thing to anyone. This is my own "private space". (if you will) If anything, these days I drink like a fish, but that is it. Especially after my extremely good news from the doctor today...dare I say that I've even put the cigarettes down? Yep,
tiz crazy!
I was just in doing a
lil sprucing up w/a
Tigger pic. (rest her sweet soul!) and thought I'd rant a bit. That post "Wrapped Around Your Finger" just hit a nerve w/me, but as any of my readers know, I will not remove it. As I find it good to learn from my past experiences. BUT, BUT, but, that one can definitely be filled under the "mistake"
catogory. Have I learned from it? But, of course! I said in last post, "life is good!" One thing that I WILL NOT do is waste any time thinking about it. It's my past and today I was given a future!
I (think?) that I really have found a genuinely happy place in my life. I'm not going into details here. I'm just not. Sorry! I just need to learn that not everyone out there is like every other person. Some people are genuine in their feelings. Some people mean it when they say they care. Some people mean it when they say that they want to be there for you tomorrow and the next day. But, that doesn't mean that this girl is closing her eyes and throwing caution to the wind. Really, do you think I've gone all soft and fucking stupid? NOT!!!!!

Rest In Peace, My Darling Brando. (he lost a long fight to
leukemia a year ago this week. he was such a sweet boy and i miss him dearly!)
It's a bitch, but I do believe in it. Though some do not always get the "instant karma" that Lennon spoke of, what comes to them in life will only be a result of how they live. Life in just the past week has been insane. But...I can say one thing and that is I must have been doing something really good because I went from feeling like my life was over and in the very next day there way life and it is oh so good. I'm never going to doubt that I do deserve that. Happiness! I was just looking for it in all the wrong places. But it is there and it found me this time and you know what? It's going to be a very long time before I cry again. I deserve so much better. For I am a pretty cool lady and I like having someone appreciate it.
"life is good!"
Wrapped Around Your Finger
I was reading over some old entries last night and wanted to come in and do a little update. Basically, LIFE IS GOOD!!! It's taken me a damn long time to get here, but I have arrived. I've been off those horrid ass Xanax for over a year now and have never felt better. The only drugs that enter my body these days are the ones that I (unfortunately) must take to control this damn epilepsy. I'm still living with it and everyday is a learning experience. I'm still going to the gym daily practicing yoga, (it has helped me a great deal) lifting weights, kickboxing, and aerobics. I stay pretty busy "pimping pets" for a local animal shelter. It's cute. I'm somewhat of a celeb with the lil local kids. I'm on a local tv show with my "pet of the week" every friday and the young ones always reconize me. Would you have ever thought two years ago that I'd be working for an animal shelter? Craziness!
I'm not here to give out "too much info" since I do know certain psycho people have found pleasure in reading my journal. I just thought that maybe just maybe they would like to know that I made it through the storm. I'm happy with the love of my life. Yes. That's right. We are together and this time NOTHING will come between us. See I know how lucky I am to have him and I'll NEVER take it for granted ever again. This time around we are going to last forever. We're planning on it, actually!
I'm having a good time doing sweet lil things like making breakfast in the mornings before work and eating together on the porch, getting up early to feed the fish to attract them close to our area, and tonight...pasta and chocolate chip cookies for dessert. Yes. I have turned into Betty Crocker, but I'm always like this when we're together for some reason. It makes me happy.
Oh and the summer is going to be the best ever. I know everyone has heard that The Police are back together. Well guess who is going to see them in Dallas and in New Orleans? Could be me? Both shows are in the same week and there is a very special occasion that takes place during that week too celebrating LOVE!!!! It truly is going to be the best week EVER!
I must also add that it saddens me as I read back on old entries to see just how screwed up I was years ago. I was such a bitch to my lovely (i will never address him by any previous name that i called him) and I must address this now. He knows that I have changed. I am a good person and he is my heart. He is my soul. He is my family. He is my past. He is my future. He is my life. I thank him for always standing beside me throughout everything, for never giving up on me, for always believing in me, for always believing in our love, and for being my light through the storm. We're finally getting our happily ever after...
Just Passing Thru
Hello!!! I was just reading some old entries and thought that I would do a quickie. Life is good. I've been writing sooo much. Still working. Finished several paintings. Wrote another book. Still going to the gym everyday. Doing yoga twice a week. Working with my state's animal rescue team. Hey, not to throw out too much information, but I've even got myself a fabulous boyfriend. (and i'm older than he is) Yeah, he thinks he's cool for dating an older woman and I think I'm cool for landing myself a lil young hottie with a knock out body, the personality of an angel, the IQ of a genius, who loves to cook, play his guitar and sing to me, and also is capable of carrying on hours and hours of intelligent conversation. He's also capable of carrying on hours and hours of comfortable silence.(Uh, huh!) I'm just waiting to find out that his parent's are cousins or something. I do love him, he's just so unbelievably wonderful that I'm sure that he'll transform into the devil. It may just take a little time, but I'm having fun with him until then. Oh! I've also seen X-Men at the theatres 3 times, so far! Don't laugh, you all knew that I was going to do it. I loved it. I can't wait for it to come out on dvd. Ok, that's all the info that you getting out of me for now. Be happy for me, I'm finally happy for the first time in like FOREVER!!!