Ms. Tigger and I on the happiest day...
Are They Dead?
I was talking to my cousin Kim sunday and she told me the funniest damn story. I feel the need to share it with you. Anyway, my brother was at a bar and was leaving on his motorcycle. There was this lady there that he offered to give her a ride home to since she lived close by. They stopped by Kim's house on the way to visit for a moment.
Kim told me that this lady weighed at least 300lbs. No shit! (Nothing against fat people, but that's a lot of weight to carry on a motorcycle.) Anyway, they were leaving and they both finally got on the bike and Johnny couldn't even get it out of the driveway. After trying for a while, the bike fell over with them on it. (Thankfully, no one was hurt, but I heard that it was damn funny.) The lady was so big that they had trouble getting her out from under the bike. It was about around that time that Kim's daughter, the beautiful, yet terrible 2 year old Lexie ran out of the house yelling, "are they dead? Are they dead?"
After talking to my brother about it, he said there is now a weight limit for his passengers.