Ms. Tigger and I on the happiest day...
Love Of Mine
I wrote this at 10:15pm while listening to Mr. Willie Nelson. It's probably no good, but it just came out of me as we were sitting in the bedroom. It's my poem/whatever to Tigger. Here goes:
You are the most honest and loving creature that I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. So much more of a pleasure to be able to call you mine. You know me inside and out. You've made many, many moves with me. You've been there for the good, the bad, and sometimes the VERY ugly. You never left me. You never judged me. You only understood how my "crazy" mind was working at that particular moment in time. You've been there for me no matter what. (though I guess that you really don't have a choice, now that I think about it!)
We've grown up together. I mean, I was 17 years and you were a baby when we met. I'll be 29 in march. This is probably one of the longest and most connected friendships that I've ever had. Yet, you've never said one single word to me. (except "MEOW!")
To my most loving Tigger, may you be well soon and always know how very much that I love you. May you forever be my most beautiful friend. May you be the Love of Mine, always!
* You people may think that I'm nuts, but I really don't care. Tigger is the closest thing that I've had to a child (which I want) and I'm going through "baby fever" big time. It also doesn't look like I'll be pregnant any time soon! GOT IT!*
Scoop the Poop!!! I FINALLY took a shower. I smell good, hell, I always smell good!