Ms. Tigger and I on the happiest day...
Uncomfortably Numb
My day, well yesterday, started with me having to take Tigger for her last treatment. PS made a very sweet video of us for me to have always. I had to take her to the vet b/c my mom hurt her back. On the way there, I wrecked my car. Hooray!
Anyhew, I'm over at a friend's house that is sweet enough to let me use their computer. Tigger is getting her last treatment and is being put to sleep next week. The cat will no longer be in the tub. I'm sooo FUCKING depressed that I don't think that I can cry anymore. I don't know what to do. I had to make funeral arrangemants today. I'm having her cremated. I'm getting an urn that will have her photo and date of birth and date of death. I really don't feel like doing a long post right now. I've been writing lots about this whole FUCKED experience that we're going through. When we get our computer up and running, I'll write more.
It's just so sad, to me, that by the time I get around to posting, Tigger will be gone. I really feel like I'm loosing it, people, and have NO idea how to deal. I love her! I'm going to miss her so much. I would do ANYTHING to make her better. I just wish that someone understood. No one does. I'm so fucking sick of hearing, "it's just a cat!" No, IT has a name and it's Tigger. She's not just a cat. She's the most special being that I've come across in the past 11 years. So, to those of you that like to refer to her as "just a cat", FUCK OFF, PLEASE! I simply don't have the time or energy to deal with you at the moment.
Thanks a lot. To Tigger, I love you, baby, and may you rest in peace and no longer be in pain. I'm going to miss the holy hell out of you and you're REALLY not even gone yet. Man, I'm totally going to loose it when she goes.