
Rest in Peace


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Ms. Tigger and I on the happiest day...
Friday, May 06, 2005
  Empty Nest Syndrome
I just got home from work. I must say that I totally rock. I made 140 dollars. That's a good night. We're suspossed to be really busy tomorrow and Sunday. I should make another 300 dollars by the end of Mother's Day. Yippiee!!!

I must start out by saying that my girl at http://perpetualblonde.com is absolutely hilarious. Go and read her now. Don't read my bullshit. It's the same thing every day, but this gal leads a very interesting life. She has one. I, for one, go to work and come home. Yes, I'm a hermit! Tell me something that I don't already know!

So, I worked a double today. Lunch was crazy, though I made about 40 dollars off 3 tables. That was cool. I went in at 10am and left at about 2:45. I had to be back at 4:30pm. I had just enough time to come home and brush my teeth and put new make up over old. Purdy! I got to work really early, so I walked to Pier 1. I loaded up on my Ginger Peach room spray. (love that stuff!) I also got 2 very colorful pillows. I'm going to have a white couch and loveseat in the livingroom when PS moves out. (Waaah!) I'm going to have very colorful pillows and curtains. It should look very nice by the time I get it all set up.

I think that the guy that was helping me at Pier 1 was checking me out. He introduced himself. He then asked my age. I told him 29. He was like, "Oh my, me too! I turned 29 in Oct." I was like cool. Nice to meet you C. He's totally cute and all, but I'm convinced that he's gay. He dresses way too nice and knows way too much about decorating. Don't get me wrong, he's totally hot, but I'm absolutely convinced that he is gay. Most of the pretty ones are. I mean the man wears Bananna Republic to work like every day. He is very helpful when I go there to shop and I do at least 3 times a week. I've been wondering where all of my money is going. It's going to Pier 1. Maybe I should get my old job back (part time) just to use my paychecks to buy stuff. Ha! Ha!

Dr.MM told me yesterday, that he thinks the reason that I've been sooo depressed lately is b/c PS is moving. Duh! I'm going to miss him ever so my. I just can't tell you what a wonderful roomie he's been. Yes, he's messy, but that's ok. That's just PS. We have sooo much fun together when it's just us hanging out. I wish that I could video tape it and put it on here. This house is not going to be the same w/o him. The more I think about it, "I'm like, holy shit, PS is moving out at the end of the month, This one. May!" That totally sucks, but who am I to stand in the way of him following his dreams. I only wish I had that feeling when I was his age. Holy fuckity, fuck, fuck, shit; I'm going to miss the (no words) everything about him!

Ok. I'm finding myself depressed. I must be going. I'm going to watch more of my new favorite show: Dead Like Me. I'm almost done with the first season. I'm going to stay up and watch them all. I get to sleep in tomorrow. Hooray!!!

I do have to go to the mall tomorrow and buy 'lil L a gift card for her birthday and an ice cream cake. Yes, I'm the nicest fucking person that I know. Did you not know that?

I'm fixing to go and snuggle with Brando and watch my show. Hey, it's better than playing penis cam! Trust me on that one. I'll tell you more about that one later! It's quite hilarious! There are sooo many perverts out there. It's scary when you think about it.

Just go ahead and read, afterall, did no one tell you that I'm the nicest fucking person that I know?! You can email me at catsinthetub@hotmail.com, go ahead, make my day!

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a damn thing
air america radio
defective yeti
hate your daddy
lactating powder(my best friend)
perpetual blonde
rock snobs
sexy man

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