Ms. Tigger and I on the happiest day...
Feelin' Groovy
I just read two comments from some readers that really made me feel very good. I just want all of you to know that I value every comment that you leave. (especially when they make me feel groovy) I love all of you. If I didn't, I wouldn't keep posting about my boring life for your pleasure. Ha! Ha! ...On a lighter note, I've gotten all of my Hugh Jackman Movies, except one. It's coming from Sydney. I'm sure I'll get it next week. I'm over at my Uncle C's house and he just ordered me two of the coolest cigarette cases. They are metal. One has young cute Elvis in his black outfit and the other has Eric Clapton in a really cool 80's picture. Y'all know how how much I love the 80's. We got them foe .30 each. Is that cool or what? I'm turning into an eBay shopping whore. They should be here sometime next week. I can't wait to get them. I would have gotten a Hugh one, but they didn't have one. Ha! Ha! ...I'm trying ever so hard to get out of this depressed funk that I've been in lately. I want to write funny stuff like I used to. That is going to be my number one goal in the next couple of days. I want to deliver something funny to you. (and finish my painting) I have two paintings that I'm just about finished with. I'm ever so excited about that. Wanna know why? That means that I can hang one in the livingroom and sell the other one. I just might have to get off my lazy ass and finish them tonight!...Well, this is me signing off. Happy Halloween to everyone and don't forget to set your clocks back....ttfn