Ms. Tigger and I on the happiest day...
Truly, A Wake Up Call
I spoke with Mickey (landlord) today about my mouse problem. (Yes, my kitty caught two over the weekend and I had to get rid of them. YUCK!!!) He said that he was suspossed to go on vacation this coming week, but unfortunately was not. I asked why. He told me that his father-in law, whom I'd known was in the hospital, had passed away Friday. He had Epilepsy and was in the hospital trying to get his medicines straight where he would not have seizures. He was not an old man. He was only 65 years old and other than his Epilepsy, I believe he was pretty healthy. Mickey said that he just went into a seizure and never came out. He never woke up and will now be burried down the street on Tuesday. I really do feel sorry for their family.>>>When I got off the phone with Mickey, I just broke down. All I could think was, this could happen to me I mean, I'm on really good medication right now, but I'm still having seizures. This just really hit me hard. I cried my eyes out for a man that I'd never met or was I crying for myself? I Dunno! I really do feel so sorry for their family. They are good people. I just want to scream
DAMN YOU, YOU FUCKING EPILEPSY FOR FUCKING WITH PEOPLE'S HEADS!!! (literally)>>>It just really scared me because, as you know, I don't get many visitors. What if that happened to me? I don't even want to go there now.>>>On a brighter note, I got my Elvis and my Eric Clapton cigarette cases in the mail yesterday. They are super cool and hold up to 25 smokes. That made me happy. Oh! Since I've only received two comments on what name to put on my kitty cat's X-Mas stocking, thanks people, I guess that his stocking will have The Godfather embroided on it. That's what the two people that commented said I should put on there. For all of you that even give a shit, not too many people do these days, or may disagree with The Godfather, you still have a chance to vote. I'm not having his stocking done until next week. I'll tell you, once again, you can comment under my entry called "Missing You". I hope that all of you had a fantabulous weekend!!!>>>ttfn